Thursday, 18 August 2011

It's Raining

(Oops forgot to publish last night--so yesterday was the rainy day)

Today was my first true rainy day.  I've been stuck in a couple of crazy downpours and I can only imagine what it's like earlier in the summer when it's true monsoon season.  My absolute favourite road sign to date explains in detail what to do in case a road floods and how to escape your car.  Now this sign isn't about getting stuck, but finding your car underwater and advises to carry a flashlight and a tool to be able to break the car window and escape.

The rain was lovely.  Not just a quick, heavy downpour but showers that went on and on all day.  When we finally left work, the whole city felt refreshed.  It smelled good!  I've gotten used to the day to day smells and when I stepped outside, the air was so fresh.  There is a huge empty log beside my office building, and it's overgrown with all sort of weeds--huge, tropical weeds and it looked so lush.  My only regret was that it was too late to get outside and go for a walk. It cools off by 10 and it's the perfect temperature to get outside.  Stores are open until 10 or 11 and everyone, including kids, are outside at all hours.  I'm hoping for another day like this when I have the time to enjoy it.

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