I'm sitting in the Maple Leaf lounge having dinner. Cream of mushroom soup and a really delicious, although super garlicky, chick pea salad. Warm cookies and Baileys coming up shortly. I could get used to this very quickly. Everything about traveling in executive class is just better. Shorter line-ups, obviously, but everyone is just that much nicer, from the woman who checked me in to the the security people. It really is a better way to travel.
Cookies are only so-so. Bailey's delicious.

For those who don't know, I'm heading to Mumbai for four weeks for work. The weather forecast is in the neighbourhood of 30C and thunderstorms. My umbrella obsession will serve me well. I'll bet in a city of 20-odd million people, there has to be a least one umbrella store. I will find out.
First stop on Saturday, once I'm awake is a grocery store. Love them and I'm sure an Indian supermarket will be a tad more more exotic than Wegmans.
Almost time to board. Next stop Frankfurt, then on to Mumbai.
Love you, so proud. Write away my dear. I'll write from Kenya too