Friday 26 August 2011

Hair and Humidty

A very shallow post today, but this has made me very happy.

For the last three weeks, my hair has been a frizzy mess.  It's a frizzy mess whenever there is humidity, no matter where I am.  Here, it's been frizzy to the nth degree.  Basically, I step outside and my perfectly groomed head looks like rat's nest.  Until today.

I think my hair has gotten used to all the moisture in the air, finally.  Today, it's smooth, just a little bit wavy and otherwise perfect.  There was even a massive downpour on the way to work where I got damp in my rickshaw and that didn't make that much of a difference. It's so nice not to have to put my hair in a pony-tail.  The women here have absolutely gorgeous hair and I've been so jealous.

It really is the small things... :)

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