Saturday, 6 August 2011

Frankfurt Airport

Viele Grüße aus Deutchland!  Stage 1 of the trip is done and I'm hanging out in the airport.  Very little sleep for me on the flight, despite the comfy pod seating.  I did get through three movies though--Never Let Me Go, which is a great novel about children who are clones and exist solely to be organ donors as adults.  Read the book. It's by Kazuo Ishiguro (he's best known for Remains of the Day).  I was pleasantly surprised that it had been turned into a film.  
Also watched the documentary, Bill Cunningham's New York.  If you read the New York Times, he does the "On the Street" section-which is basically a collage of fashions that he found particularly interesting while he was out and about on his bicycle.  Very odd guy and a total mystery to his friends.  I love a good eccentric.
Rounding out my highbrow viewing was Morning Glory.  I thought it was cute, despite the mixed reviews I had read.  I think I particularly liked it as it wasn't vaguely depressing, like the two movies that came ahead of it. Sometimes formulaic Hollywood fluff really hits the spot.
As I have a few hours to kill, I had a wander around the airport.  I found my gummi-bears but sadly, not the candy that I really wanted.  The company that makes the best gummi-bears in the world, Haribo, also makes marshmallow strawberries.  These are not quite as sweet and icky as the ones that we have.  Haribo's strawberries are the perfect artificial strawberry flavour.  Sweet, but not too sweet,  the marshmallow is fluffy and a wee bit chewy and the sugar coating is just the right amount of sugariness.  Not too much and a lovely hot pink colour, to boot.  Yeah, they are pretty good.  My favourite of all time.  Boo-hoo for me.
I've just figured out what's odd about this place.  It's strange that it's so quiet, other than the usual people noise.  I have found it kind of strangely warm, and it's because there is no air conditioning running constantly.   It kicks in for a very short while and then it's gone. When it is running, it's extremely quiet.  I'll out myself as a nerd because my best analogy is a Star Trek one.  In one episode or another (I'm not a big enough nerd to pull up those details) the warp drive dives and that constant thrum in the background is missing.  This is exactly the same.
And with perfect timing, my pager is flashing.  It's my turn for one of the shower stalls.  This is going to be one of the best showers of my life.

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